“Idleness is the enemy of the soul; and therefore the brethren ought to be employed in manual labor at certain times, at others, in devout reading….then are they monks in truth, if they live by the work of their hands.” (RB 48)
If idleness is the enemy of the soul then we can say that work is the friend of the soul. This is the intuition that comes from the Rule of St. Benedict. The nuns live their days harmoniously between work, study and prayer.
Manual and intellectual work is certainly one of the cornerstones of monastical life, a support for material life, but also an important way of spiritual and human growth, a space for sharing a passion for work and an expression of creativity.
If idleness is the enemy of the soul then we can say that work is the friend of the soul. This is the intuition that comes from the Rule of St. Benedict. The nuns live their days harmoniously between work, study and prayer.
Manual and intellectual work is certainly one of the cornerstones of monastical life, a support for material life, but also an important way of spiritual and human growth, a space for sharing a passion for work and an expression of creativity.

The cultivation of the garden and of the vegetable garden




Cards handmade with fresh flowers
The ancient art of tatting…useful for making linen items…but with just a little imagination… you can create jewelry…matching sets, broaches…
The arrases, an interior journey in our spiritual life (go to the relevant page):